Commit 02bb925a authored by adam.fisher1's avatar adam.fisher1


parent d503acf4
......@@ -18,6 +18,56 @@ python runserver
Access the server at *http://localhost:8000/.*
**How to use the virtual environment**
1. in this part you will need to create the environment:
python -m venve env/
2. in a git bash terminal, start up the virtual environment:
source env/script/activate
3. install requirements and start up the server:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage runserver
**Setting up Django**
1. to initialise the Database and update it, run:
python migrate
2. to make new migrations and update the database, run:
python makemigrations <app-name>
**Accessing the admin panel**
if you want to access the admin panel, you need a super user account:
python createsuperuser
*after all this you must navigate to localhost:8000/admin/ and log in with the account you just created.*
**Running the tests**
python test
Ensure you have the following software installed:
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