Commit a852e174 authored by LoomyGames's avatar LoomyGames

Last commit of code

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package packageBoi;
public class Animal {
String name; //Declaring all the attributes an animal can have
String type;
String environment;
String diet;
Animal(String n, String t, String e, String d)//a constructor for easier animal creation
name = n;
type = t;
environment = e;
diet = d;
public String giveDetails()//a method which shows all the details of an animal when called
return "The " + name + "'s " + " diet is: " + diet + ", the type is: " + type +
" and its environment is: " + environment;
package packageBoi;
public class Bird extends Animal{
Bird(String n, String t, String e, String d) {
super(n, t, e, d);
package packageBoi;
public class Fish extends Animal{
Fish(String n, String t, String e, String d) {
super(n, t, e, d);
package packageBoi;
public class Mammal extends Animal{
Mammal(String n, String t, String e, String d) {
super(n, t, e, d);
package packageBoi;
public class Reptile extends Animal{
Reptile(String n, String t, String e, String d) {
super(n, t, e, d);
package packageBoi;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ZooMain {
static Mammal Zebra = new Mammal("Zebra", "Mammal", "Plains", "Herbs");// a declaration of an animal, using the constructor
static Mammal Elephant = new Mammal("Elephant", "Mammal", "Savanna", "Herbs");
static Reptile Crocodile = new Reptile("Crocodile", "Reptile", "Swamp", "Meat");
static Reptile Chameleon = new Reptile("Chameleon", "Reptile", "Forest", "Insects");
static Bird Hawk = new Bird("Hawk", "Bird", "Desert", "Meat");
static Bird Flamingo = new Bird("Flamingo", "Bird", "Lake", "Herbs");
static Fish Shark = new Fish("Shark", "Fish", "Ocean", "Meat");
static Fish Koi = new Fish("Koi", "Fish", "Ocean", "Herbs");
static ArrayList<Animal> animalList = new ArrayList<Animal>();//The list containing all the existing animals
static ArrayList<Animal> searchList = new ArrayList<Animal>();//The list containing the wanted search animals
static int ok = 1;
static Scanner input = new Scanner(;
static String choice = "";//the user's input in the console
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
animalList.add(Zebra);//Adding all the animals to the array list
System.out.println("Welcome to the York St John relatively small zoo");//Introduction
while(ok == 1)//while the program is still going, or supposed to go
System.out.println("Please choose an action: \n"
+ "S to search for animals and add them to a list;\n"
+ "C for a list of animals grouped by a criteria;\n"
+ "Anything else to exit.");
choice =;//get the user's choice
if(choice.contentEquals("S"))//Animal Search
System.out.println("Please input what type of list you would like: \n"
+ "F for a list of food required for the animals;\n"
+ "D for a list of details of the animals;\n"
+ "Anything else to return to the menu.");
String choice4 =;
if(!(choice4.contentEquals("F") || choice4.contentEquals("D")))//if the user doesn't input the right stuff
System.out.println("Returning to menu.");//return to menu
System.out.println("Input the name of the animal \n"//otherwise start asking for list input
+ "Input Stop at the end of the list");
while(true) //while the user keeps inputing animal names, keep going
String choice2 =;//get the name of the animal(s)
if(choice2.contentEquals("Stop")) // if the user inputs Stop,
for(int i = 0; i < animalList.size(); i++)//loop through the array list
if(choice2.contentEquals(animalList.get(i).name))//if the animal exists in the zoo
searchList.add(animalList.get(i));//fill the search list
if(!searchList.isEmpty())//if there is something in the list
System.out.println("The list is the following: ");//start printing the list:
for(int i = 0; i< searchList.size(); i++)//loop the array list
if(choice4.contentEquals("D"))//if the user wanted details
System.out.println(searchList.get(i).giveDetails());//show details
}else if(choice4.contentEquals("F"))//otherwise show the food list
searchList.clear();//clear the list for a future search
System.out.println("Nothing found, sorry!");//if the list is empty, that means no animals were found
else if(choice.contentEquals("C"))//Animal list by criteria
System.out.println("Input the criteria: \n"
+ "F is for food;\n"
+ "T is for type;\n"
+ "E is for environment;\n"
+ "Anything else to return to menu.");
String choice2 =;//the user's choice regarding criteria
System.out.println("Which type of food\n"
+ "M is for meat;\n"
+ "I is for insects;\n"
+ "H is for herbs;\n"
+ "Anything else to return to menu.");
String choice3 =;
for(int i = 0; i<animalList.size();i++)//looping again
if(choice3.contentEquals(animalList.get(i).diet))//if an animal with that diet is found
System.out.println(animalList.get(i).name);//print the name
}else if(choice2.contentEquals("T"))//if the user chooses type
System.out.println("We have:\n"//the user then types in Mammal, Fish or the others
+ "Mammal;\n"
+ "Fish;\n"
+ "Reptile;\n"
+ "Bird.");
String choice3 =;
for(int i = 0; i<animalList.size();i++)//the program loops through the array list
if(choice3.contentEquals(animalList.get(i).type))//if the type exists
System.out.println(animalList.get(i).name);//return all animals of that type
}else if(choice2.contentEquals("E"))
System.out.println("We have:\n"//the user then types in Plains, Savanna or the others
+ "Plains;\n"
+ "Savanna;\n"
+ "Swamp;\n"
+ "Forest;\n"
+ "Lake;\n"
+ "Ocean;\n"
+ "Desert.");
String choice3 =;
for(int i = 0; i<animalList.size();i++)
if(choice3.contentEquals(animalList.get(i).environment))//if the environment exists
System.out.println(animalList.get(i).name);//show all animals in that environment
}else//if none are chosen, return to the menu.
System.out.println("Returning to menu");
else // if the first choice isn't among searching or criteria search, then exit the program
ok = 0;//close the while
System.out.println("Goodbye");//part ways
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