Commit 459e77fa authored by benjamin.clough's avatar benjamin.clough


parent 81c63df2
......@@ -5,4 +5,21 @@ To effectively demo this project, two things are required to be added:
b) placed into custom_models/preconfigured_models/
Accuracy scripts are named in the format "[Feature Selection/Extraction model] to [Classifier Model(s)]",
choose the model combination that you desire.
\ No newline at end of file
choose the model combination that you desire.
Library Requirements:
* pandas~=1.5.2
* tensorflow~=2.11.0
* scikit-learn~=1.2.0
* keras~=2.11.0
* numpy~=1.23.5
* gensim~=4.3.0
* tqdm~=4.64.1
* joblib~=1.2.0
* numba~=0.56.4
* nltk~=3.8.1
* beautifulsoup4~=4.11.1
* matplotlib~=3.6.2
* seaborn~=0.12.2
* nlpaug~=1.1.11
* yake~=0.4.8
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