Commit ff4247ec authored by benjamin.clough's avatar benjamin.clough


parent 85abf3e9
from nlp_functionality import *
from nltk import word_tokenize
import yake
#rake_nltk_var = Rake()
kw_extractor = yake.KeywordExtractor()
language = "en"
max_ngram_size = 2
deduplication_threshold = 0.3
numOfKeywords = 5
def myFunc(e):
return e[1]
def extractKeywordsWithYAKE(text):
kw_extractor = yake.KeywordExtractor(lan=language, n=max_ngram_size, dedupLim=deduplication_threshold, top=numOfKeywords, features=None)
hi = kw_extractor.extract_keywords(text.lower())
hi.sort(key=lambda a: a[1])
tokenized = [item for sublist in [word_tokenize(y) for y in [x[0] for x in hi]] for item in sublist]
tokenized2 = []
for x in tokenized:
if x not in tokenized2:
#[print(x) for x in hi]
return tokenized2
#print("\n\n\n------------------------- --------------------------\n\n\n")
#ppd = preProcessText(text)
#ppd2 = kw_extractor.extract_keywords(" ".join(ppd))
#[print(x) for x in ppd2]
def extractKeywordsWithRAKE(text):
ppd = preProcessText(text)
rake_nltk_var.extract_keywords_from_text(" ".join(ppd))
ranked_keywords = rake_nltk_var.get_ranked_phrases()
tokenized = [word_tokenize(y) for y in [x[0] for x in ranked_keywords]]
[print(x[0]) for x in ranked_keywords]
def TF(text):
new_dict = {}
pp_text = preProcessText(text)
for word in pp_text:
new_dict[word] += 1
except KeyError:
new_dict [word] = 1
new_dict1 = dict(sorted(new_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=1))
new_dict2 = {}
tempwords = []
tempnums = []
for key in new_dict:
if len(tempwords) != numOfKeywords:
if new_dict[key] > min(tempnums):
tempindex = tempnums.index(min(tempnums))
del tempnums[tempindex]
del tempwords[tempindex]
for index, x in enumerate(tempwords):
new_dict2[x] = tempnums[index]
return new_dict2
def TF_YAKE(keywords, TF_dict):
crossover = []
for key in TF_dict:
for word in keywords:
if key in word[0]:
if __name__ == "__main__":
text = "To whom it may concern, When going to log into my university email today, it said that I needed to approve a request on my authenticator app. So I downloaded the app and logged in but then it asked for my phone number to send me a verification code so I put in my number and waited. But I realised I had no service so no code was sent. So I turned my phone on and off again to regain service and eventually the code came through. Then when I went back onto the app there was no where to put the code and i was on what I assume is the home page, Ive added screenshots below. So I assumed I was somehow logged in. But then I went to log into my uni email and it said it had sent a request, I got no request in the app and it said on my laptop that my request was denied, even though I saw no request. So I cant access my uni email. I then spoke to a member of the it team at Microsoft and they basically said there was nothing they could do and the university it team would be the best people to help. Ill put the screen shots of what he said below. So now Im just wondering if you could please help me cause I cannot access my uni emails now"
keywords = extractKeywordsWithYAKE(text)
new_dict = TF(text)
text = """Issues with the desktop computers - unable to download windows update - my
colleague and I have had messages pop up on our computers
to say the windows update wasn't downloaded and I've attached a screenshot
of the message we get when we select more info.
Additionally, we have little storage on our devices that affect our daily
use of onedrive and teams.
Thank you very much for all your help with this"""
text = """"I'm having trouble logging in to my E vision as it's saying my password is
incorrect so I'm therefore having trouble re-enrolling.
If there's anything you guys can do to help, I would greatly appreciate it.
All the best, """
extractKeywordsWithYAKE("Got issues with microsoft office, cannot save word document, need this doing for tomorrow")
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