Commit eec440fd authored by billy.gaines's avatar billy.gaines

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parent b8780c5b
#include "Functions.h"
// Pokemon_List Functions
PokemonNode* NewPokemonNode(Pokedex* pokedex, char name[11], char type[8], char ability[15], char evolution_name[11]){ // Creates a Pokemon Node.
PokemonNode *new_node = NULL; // Creates PokemonNode pointer and sets it to NULL.
new_node = malloc(sizeof(PokemonNode)); // Creates a PokemonNode in memory and connects it to the "new_node" pointer.
if (new_node != NULL){ // Check for success of node/pointer creation.
strcpy(new_node->name, name); // Uses string.h library to copy inputted strings into the node.
strcpy(new_node->type, type); // ^
strcpy(new_node->ability, ability); // ^
new_node->next = NULL; // Sets "next" to NULL.
new_node->evolution = FindPokemon(pokedex, evolution_name); // Sets "evolution" pointer to PokemonNode with matching name. Else sets "evolution" to NULL.
return new_node; // The Created PokemonNode is returned.
void AddPokemonToList(Pokedex** pokedex_ref, char name[11], char type[8], char ability[15], char evolution_name[11]){ // Adds a new pokemon Node to the Pokemon list.
PokemonNode *jumper = (*pokedex_ref)->Poke_head; // Creates temporary head pointer "jumper" for itterating through Pokemon linked list.
bool duplicate = false; // Boolean "duplicate" variable. Default value of False.
while(jumper != NULL){ // Loops over Pokemon list.
if(strcmp(jumper->name, name) == 0){ // Checks if input_name exists in Pokemon linked list.
duplicate = true; // If a duplicate exists, dupicate variable is set to "True".
jumper = jumper->next; // Sets "jumper" value to the address of the next node in the linked list.
if(duplicate){ // If dupicate boolean is true the function exits.
return; // ^
PokemonNode *new_node = NewPokemonNode(*pokedex_ref, name, type, ability, evolution_name); // Creates a PokemonNode pointer "new_node" and links it to the node returned from NewPokemonNOde().
if((*pokedex_ref)->Poke_head == NULL){ // Checks if pokemon list is empty.
(*pokedex_ref)->Poke_head = new_node; // If the list is empty, sets the head of the pokemon list to point to the new_node.
} else{
new_node->next = (*pokedex_ref)->Poke_head; // If PokemonList is not empty, New_node points to the previous first node.
(*pokedex_ref)->Poke_head = new_node; // Head of the list points to the New_node.
PokemonNode* FindPokemon(Pokedex* pokedex, char name[11]){ // Returns a pointer to a pokemon Node in the Pokemon_List.
PokemonNode *jumper = pokedex->Poke_head; // Creates temporary head pointer "jumper" for itterating through Pokemon linked list.
while(jumper != NULL){ // Loops over Pokemon list.
if(strcmp(jumper->name, name) == 0){ // checks to see if any node names match the inputted name.
return jumper; // if node->name matches inputted name, a pointer to this node is returned.
jumper = jumper->next; // Sets "jumper" value to the address of the next node in the linked list.
return NULL; // If no names match the inputted string, NULL pointer is returned.
// Player_List Functions
PlayerNode* NewPlayerNode(char name[15]){ // Creates a new Player Node.
PlayerNode *new_node = NULL; // creates PlayerNode pointer and sets it to NULL.
new_node = malloc(sizeof(PlayerNode)); // creates a PlayerNode in memory and connects it to the "new_node" pointer.
if (new_node != NULL){ // Check for success of node/pointer creation
strcpy(new_node->PlayerName, name); // uses string.h library to copy inputted string into the node.
new_node->PokemonCount = 0; // sets the playercount of a node to 0.
new_node->next = NULL; // sets "next" to NULL.
return new_node; // The Created PokemonNode is returned.
void AddPlayerToList(Pokedex** pokedex_ref, char name[15]){ // Adds a new player Node to the Players list.
PlayerNode *jumper = (*pokedex_ref)->Player_head; // Creates temporary head pointer "jumper" for itterating through Player linked list.
bool duplicate = false; // Boolean "duplicate" variable. Default value of False.
while(jumper != NULL){ // Loops over nodes in Pokemon linked list.
if(strcmp(jumper->PlayerName, name) == 0){ // If input_name exists in list, "duplicate" variable is set to "true".
duplicate = true; // ^
jumper = jumper->next; // Sets "jumper" value to the address of the next node in the player linked list.
if(duplicate){ // If dupicate boolean is true, the function exits.
return; // ^
PlayerNode *new_node = NewPlayerNode(name); // Creates a PlayerNode pointer "new_node" and links it to the node returned from NewPlayerNode().
if((*pokedex_ref)->Player_head == NULL){ // Checks if Player list is empty
(*pokedex_ref)->Player_head = new_node; // If the list is empty, sets the head of the Player list to point to the new_node.
} else{
new_node->next = (*pokedex_ref)->Player_head; // If Player list is not empty, New_node points to the previous first node.
(*pokedex_ref)->Player_head = new_node; // Head of the list points to the New_node.
PlayerNode* FindPlayer(Pokedex* pokedex, char name[15]){ // Returns a pointer to a Player Node in the Player_List.
PlayerNode *jumper = pokedex->Player_head; // Creates temporary head pointer "jumper" for itterating through Player linked list.
while(jumper != NULL){ // Loops through nodes of Pokemon list.
if(strcmp(jumper->PlayerName, name) == 0){ // Checks if input_name matches node->name.
return jumper; // If the names match, a pointer to the node is returned.
jumper = jumper->next; // Sets "jumper" value to the address of the next node in the player linked list.
return NULL; // If node name does not match inputted name, Returns a NULL pointer.
void AddPokemonToPlayer(Pokedex* pokedex, char player_name[15], char pokemon_name[11]){ // Adds a pointer to a pokemon to a player node.
PlayerNode *player = FindPlayer(pokedex, player_name); // If a PlayerNode name matches the inputted name, creates pointer linking to that node.
if(player == NULL){ // Checks if a node was returned.
return; // If node was not returned, function exits.
if(player->PokemonCount >= 20){ // Checks if the PlayerPokemon array is full in the node.
return; // If PlayerPokemon is full, function exits.
bool duplicate = false; // Boolean "duplicate" variable. Default value of False.
for (int i = 0; i < player->PokemonCount; i++){ // loops through nodes of Pokemon list.
if(strcmp((player->PlayerPokemon[i])->name, pokemon_name) == 0){ // If input_name exists in list, "duplicate" variable is set to true.
duplicate = true; // ^
if(duplicate){ // If duplicate is true, function exits.
return; // ^
PokemonNode *pokemon = FindPokemon(pokedex, pokemon_name); // If a PokemonNode name matches inputted name, creates a pointer linked to that node.
if (pokemon == NULL){ // Checks if a node was returned.
return; // If node was not returned, function exits.
player->PlayerPokemon[player->PokemonCount] = pokemon; // Adds pointer to the pokemon node at the end of the PlayerPokemon array.
player->PokemonCount++; // Increments the number of pokemon the player possesses by 1.
// Pokedex Functions
void DisplayPokemonDetails(Pokedex* pokedex, char name[11]){ // Outputs data from a selected PokemonNode.
PokemonNode *jumper = pokedex->Poke_head; // Creates temporary head pointer "jumper" for itterating through Player linked list.
while(jumper != NULL){ // Loops through nodes of Pokemon list.
if(strcmp(jumper->name, name) == 0){ // If a node name matches the inputted name, the data of that pokemon are printed to the screen.
printf("\nPokemon Name: %s\n", jumper->name); // ^
printf("Pokemon Type: %s\n", jumper->type); // ^
printf("Pokemon Ability: %s\n", jumper->ability); // ^
jumper = jumper->next; // Sets "jumper" value to the address of the next node in the linked list.
void DisplayPlayerDetails(Pokedex* pokedex, char name[11]){ // Outputs data from a selected PlayerNode.
PlayerNode *jumper = pokedex->Player_head; // Creates temporary head pointer "jumper" for itterating through Player linked list.
while(jumper != NULL){ // Loops through nodes of Pokemon list.
if(strcmp(jumper->PlayerName, name) == 0){ // If a node name matches the inputted name, the data of that player are printed to the screen.
printf("\nPlayer Name: %s\n", jumper->PlayerName); // ^
printf("Pokemon Count: %d\n", jumper->PokemonCount); // ^
if(jumper->PokemonCount > 0){ // Checks if player owns Pokemon.
printf("\n%s's Pokemon:\n", jumper->PlayerName);
for(int i = 0; i < jumper->PokemonCount; i++){ // If Player has pokemon, PlayerPokemon is looped.
printf("\t-%s\n", (jumper->PlayerPokemon[i])->name); // The names of the the nodes pointed to in the PlayerPokemon array are printed.
jumper = jumper->next; // Sets "jumper" value to the address of the next node in the linked list.
void ListPokemon(Pokedex* pokedex){ // Outputs name from each PokemonNode.
PokemonNode *jumper = pokedex->Poke_head; // Creates temporary head pointer "jumper" for itterating through Pokemon linked list.
int i = 1;
printf("\nAll Pokemon registed on this pokedex:");
while(jumper != NULL){ // Loops through nodes of Pokemon linked list.
printf("\n\t%d : %s", i, jumper->name); // Prints the name of the pokemon stored in each node.
jumper = jumper->next; // Sets "jumper" value to the address of the next node in the linked list.
void ListPlayers (Pokedex* pokedex){ // Outputs name from each PlayerNode.
PlayerNode *jumper = pokedex->Player_head; // Creates temporary head pointer "jumper" for itterating through Player linked list.
int i = 1;
printf("\n\nAll Players registered on this Pokedex:");
while(jumper != NULL){ // Loops through nodes of Player linked list.
printf("\n\t%d : %s", i, jumper->PlayerName); // Prints the name of the pokemon in each node.
jumper = jumper->next; // Sets "jumper" value to the address of the next node in the linked list.
// OPTIONAL Evolution Function
void EvolvePlayerPokemon(Pokedex* pokedex, char player_name[15], char pokemon_name[11]){ // Evolves a player owned pokemon by replacing the player pointer to the evolved pokemon node.
PlayerNode *player = FindPlayer(pokedex, player_name); // If a PlayerNode name matches inputted name, creates pointer linked to that node.
if (player == NULL){ // Checks if a node was returned.
return; // If node was not returned, function exits.
for (int i = 0; i < player->PokemonCount; i++){ // Loops through the player owned pokemon (PlayerPokemon pointer array).
if(strcmp((player->PlayerPokemon[i])->name, pokemon_name) == 0){ // Checks if any of the PlayerPokemon node->names match the inputted name.
player->PlayerPokemon[i] = player->PlayerPokemon[i]->evolution; // If a node->name matches the inputted name, the pointer to to that node is replaced by it's "evolution" pointer address
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