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public class AssessmentPartThree {
// The simplest form of encryption is the rotation cipher (also known as Caeser's Cipher)
// An offset value is chosen to encrypt a message. Each letter is replaced by the
// letter that that number of places away from it.
// So if an offset value of 1 is chosen, each letter is replaced by the one after it
// - so a becomes b, b becomes c, etc
// If a value of -2 is chosen a becomes y, b becomes z and so on
public char enryptedCharacter(char theChar, int theOffset)
// 05 - encryptedCharacter
// Complete this method so that it returns the encrypted character for
// theChar when and offset of theOffset is used
// So if theChar='m' and theOffset is 3 the method will return 'p'
// Lower case characters remain lower case, upper case remain upper case
// Any other characters are returned unchanged
//this line of code creates an instance of a stringbuilder called sb(stringbuilder for short)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//this line of code creates a string that is equal to the value of the character
String character = String.valueOf(theChar);
//this line of code converts the string to an array of characters
for (char i: character.toCharArray())
//this line of code checks whether the character is a letter, if it is then it runs the code
if (Character.isLetter(i)) {
//this checks whether the letter is uppercase
if (Character.isUpperCase(i)) {
//this line of code works out the new character and then adds it to the stringbuilder
sb.append((char) ('A' + (i - 'A' + theOffset) % 26 ));
//this section of code is executed if the letter is lowercase
} else {
//this line of code works out the new character and then adds it to the stringbuilder
sb.append((char) ('a' + (i - 'a' + theOffset) % 26 ));
//this section of code is executed if the character is not a letter
else {
//this adds the character to the string builder, without making any changes
//this creates a char type variable to represent the new encrypted character
char encryptedChar = sb.charAt(0);
//this returns the encrypted character
return encryptedChar;
public String encryptedString(String theMessage, int theOffset)
// 06 - encryptedMessage
// Complete this method so that it uses encryptedCharacter to
// return the encrypted version of theMessage using theOffset
//creates an instance of a stringbuilder called sb
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//creates a for loop that will iterate for the number of characters in the string theMessage
for (int i=0; i < theMessage.length(); i++) {
//this divides the offset by 26 and then adds 26 after
theOffset = theOffset % 26 + 26;
//this creates a character that is equal to the current character in the string
char character = theMessage.charAt(i);
//this creates a variable to represent the encrypted character, using the method encryptedCharacter to work out what the encryption should be
char encodedChar = this.enryptedCharacter(character, theOffset);
//this adds the encoded character to the string
//this returns the encrypted string
return sb.toString();
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource;
class AssessmentPartThreeTest {
public static AssessmentPartThree test;
static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
test = new AssessmentPartThree();
@DisplayName("Testing encryptedCharacter")
void testEnryptedCharacter(char theChar, int theOffset, char encChar) {
assertEquals(encChar,test.enryptedCharacter(theChar, theOffset));
@DisplayName("Testing encryptedString")
"Java Coding,-3,Gxsx Zlafkd",
void testEncryptedString(String theMessage, int theOffset, String encMessage) {
assertEquals(encMessage, test.encryptedString(theMessage, theOffset));
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