Commit 45c7e79f authored by jithushan.umaipalan's avatar jithushan.umaipalan

Initial commit/remote repo

\ No newline at end of file
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
// Pokemon Node Structure
// @desc - to store pokemon details in nodes for the PokeDex Linked List
// @param name - pokemon name
// @param type - pokemon type
// @param ability - pokemon ability
// @param next - pointer to the next pokemon node
struct PokemonNode
string name;
string type;
string ability;
PokemonNode *next;
// Constructor when no parameters are passed
this->name = "";
this->type = "";
this->ability = "";
this->next = nullptr;
// constructor when all parameters are passed
PokemonNode(string name, string type, string ability)
this->name = name;
this->type = type;
this->ability = ability;
this->next = nullptr;
// @desc - method that allows this struct to be passed as a map key
// @ return - boolean
bool operator<(const PokemonNode &other) const
return this->name <;
// Player Node Structure
// @desc - to store player details in nodes for the PokeDex Linked List
// @param name - player name
// @param pokemon - map object that stores the pokemon object and the count of the pokemon
// @param next - pointer to the next player node
struct PlayerNode
string name;
map<PokemonNode, int> pokemons; // Map of pokemons and their count
PlayerNode *next;
// Constructor when no parameters are passed
this->name = "";
this->next = nullptr;
// constructor when all parameters are passed
PlayerNode(string name)
this->name = name;
this->next = nullptr;
// PokeDex Linked List Structure
// @desc - to store the heads of the player and pokemon nodes
// @param pokemonHead - head of the pokemon linked list
// @param playerHead - head of the player linked list
struct PokeDex
PokemonNode *pokemonsPtr;
PlayerNode *playerPtr;
// Constructor when no parameters are passed
pokemonsPtr = nullptr;
playerPtr = nullptr;
// constructor when all parameters are passed
PokeDex(PokemonNode *pokemons, PlayerNode *players)
this->pokemonsPtr = pokemons;
this->playerPtr = players;
// @desc - search for a pokemon in the PokeDex
// @param pokedex - pointer to the PokeDex
// @param pokemonName - name of the pokemon to search for
// @return - pointer to the pokemon node if found, else return nullptr
// @complexity - O(n) where n is the number of pokemon nodes
PokemonNode *findPokemon(PokeDex *pokedex, string name)
PokemonNode *current = pokedex->pokemonsPtr;
while (current != nullptr)
if (current->name == name)
return current;
current = current->next;
return current;
// @desc - creates a new pokemon node
// @param name - name of the pokemon
// @param type - type of the pokemon
// @param ability - ability of the pokemon
// @return - pointer to the new pokemon node
// @complexity - O(1) - constant time
PokemonNode *newPokemonNode(string name, string type, string ability)
PokemonNode *pokemon = new PokemonNode(name, type, ability);
// pokemon->name = name;
// pokemon->type = type;
// pokemon->ability = ability;
return pokemon;
// @desc - inserts a new pokemon node into the PokeDex
// @param pokedex - pointer to the PokeDex
// @param pokemon - pointer to the pokemon node to be inserted
// @complexity - O(1) - constant time
void addPokemonToList(PokeDex *pokedex, string name, string type, string ability)
// check if pokemon exists
PokemonNode *pokemon = findPokemon(pokedex, name);
// if pokemon exists in the list, return
if (pokemon != nullptr)
cout << "[DEX ALERT] " << name << " already exists in the PokeDex!" << endl;
// if pokemon doestn't exist, create a new pokemon node
pokemon = newPokemonNode(name, type, ability);
PokemonNode *current = pokedex->pokemonsPtr;
cout << "[DEX ALERT] > A wild " << name << " has been spotted in the PokeDex!" << endl;
if (current == nullptr)
// if the list is empty, make the new pokemon the head
pokedex->pokemonsPtr = pokemon;
while (current->next != nullptr)
current = current->next;
// add the new pokemon to the end of the list
current->next = pokemon;
// @desc - search for a player in the PokeDex
// @param pokedex - pointer to the PokeDex
// @param playerName - name of the player to search for
// @return - pointer to the player node if found, else return nullptr
// @complexity - O(n) where n is the number of player nodes
PlayerNode *findPlayer(PokeDex *pokedex, string name)
PlayerNode *current = pokedex->playerPtr;
while (current != nullptr)
if (current->name == name)
return current;
current = current->next;
return current;
// @desc - adds a new player node to the PokeDex
// @param pokedex - pointer to the PokeDex
// @param playerName - name of the player to be added
// @complexity - O(1) - constant time
void addPlayerToList(PokeDex *pokedex, string name)
// check if player node already exists
PlayerNode *player = findPlayer(pokedex, name);
// if player exists in the list, return
if (player != nullptr)
cout << "[DEX ALERT] " << name << " already exists in the PokeDex!" << endl;
// if player doestn't exist, create a new player node
player = new PlayerNode(name);
PlayerNode *current = pokedex->playerPtr;
cout << "[DEX ALERT] > " << name << " has been added to the PokeDex!" << endl;
if (current == nullptr)
// if the list is empty, make the new player the head
pokedex->playerPtr = player;
while (current->next != nullptr)
current = current->next;
// add the new player to the end of the list
current->next = player;
// @desc - creates a new player node
// @param name - name of the player
// @return - pointer to the new player node
// @complexity - O(1) - constant time
PlayerNode *newPlayerNode(string name)
PlayerNode *player = new PlayerNode(name);
return player;
// @desc - adds a pokemon to the player's pokemon map
// @param pokedex - pointer to the PokeDex
// @param playerName - name of the player
// @param pokemonName - name of the pokemon
// @complexity - O(1) - constant time
void addPokemonToPlayer(PokeDex *pokedex, string playerName, string pokemonName)
// check if player exists
PlayerNode *player = findPlayer(pokedex, playerName);
if (player == nullptr)
cout << "[DEX ERROR] " << playerName << " does not exist in the PokeDex!" << endl;
// check if pokemon exists
PokemonNode *pokemon = findPokemon(pokedex, pokemonName);
if (pokemon == nullptr)
cout << "[DEX ERROR] " << pokemonName << " does not exist in the PokeDex!" << endl;
// check if player already has pokemon
if (player->pokemons.find(*pokemon) != player->pokemons.end())
cout << "[DEX WARNING] " << playerName << " already owns " << pokemonName << "!" << endl;
// increment count
// add pokemon to player's map
cout << "[DEX ALERT] > " << playerName << " has captured " << pokemonName << "!" << endl;
player->pokemons.insert(pair<PokemonNode, int>(*pokemon, 1));
// @desc - prints all the players names in the PokeDex
// @param pokedex - pointer to the PokeDex
// @complexity - O(n) where n is the number of player nodes
void listPlayers(PokeDex *pokedex)
PlayerNode *current = pokedex->playerPtr;
cout << "[DEX DUMP] Players > " << endl;
while (current != nullptr)
cout << "\tName: " << current->name << endl;
current = current->next;
// @desc - prints all the pokemon names in the PokeDex
// @param pokedex - pointer to the PokeDex
// @complexity - O(n) where n is the number of pokemon nodes
void listPokemons(PokeDex *pokedex)
PokemonNode *current = pokedex->pokemonsPtr;
cout << "[DEX DUMP] Pokemons > " << endl;
while (current != nullptr)
cout << "\tName: " << current->name << endl;
current = current->next;
// @desc - prints the players details along with their pokemon and their count
// @param pokedex - pointer to the PokeDex
// @param playerName - name of the player
// @complexity - O(n+m) where n is the number of players (search) and m is the number of pokemon (print)
void displayPlayerDetails(PokeDex *pokedex, string playerName)
PlayerNode *player = findPlayer(pokedex, playerName);
if (player == nullptr)
cout << "[DEX ERROR] " << playerName << " does not exist in the PokeDex!" << endl;
cout << "[DEX DUMP] " << playerName << " > " << endl;
cout << "Player Name: " << player->name << endl;
cout << "Player Pokemon(s) :" << endl;
// loop over map of pokemons (pokemon, count)
for (auto pokemon : player->pokemons)
cout << "\t" << pokemon.second << "x " << << endl;
// @desc - prints the pokemon's name, type and ability
// @param pokdex - pointer to the PokeDex
// @param pokemonName - name of the pokemon
// @complexity - O(n) where n is the number of pokemon nodes (searching for pokemon)
void displayPokemonDetails(PokeDex *pokedex, string pokemonName)
// check if pokemon exists
PokemonNode *pokemon = findPokemon(pokedex, pokemonName);
if (pokemon == nullptr)
cout << "[DEX ERROR] " << pokemonName << " does not exist in the PokeDex!" << endl;
cout << "[DEX DUMP] Pokemon Details > " << endl;
cout << "\tName: " << pokemon->name << endl;
cout << "\tType: " << pokemon->type << endl;
cout << "\tAbility: " << pokemon->ability << endl;
\ No newline at end of file
# Code
Use Linked List to store the pokedex
Feature Requirements
1. A `Pokedex` struct holding the `ptr` for the `Pokemon Node` and the `Player Node`
2. Pokedex struct should be created and passed onto function to make operations.
3. Pokemons and Players should be a LinkedList.
4. Pokemon Node should store a pokemons' (name, type, primary abilities)
5. Create functions to add, create, find nodes (by pokemon name).
6. Pokemon Functions:
- [x] newPokemonNode(name, type, ability) -> ptr*Pokemon Node
- [x] addPokemonToList(*pokedex, name, type, ability) -> void
- [x] findPokemon(pokedex, name) -> ptr*Pokemon Node
7. Player Functions:
- [x] newPlayerNode(name) -> ptr*Player Node
- [x] addPlayerToList(*pokedex, name) -> void
- [x] findPlayer(pokedex, name) -> ptr*Player Node
- [x] addPokemonToPlayer(pokedex, playerName, pokemonName) -> void (adds pokemon if not found else increment it count)
8. Pokedex Functions:
- [x] displayPokemonDetails(pokedex, name) -> void (displays all details )
- [x] displayPlayerDetails(pokedex, name) -> void (displays all details along the details of the pokemons owned)
- [x] listPokemons(pokedex) -> void (displays list of names)
- [x] listPlayers(pokedex) -> void (displays list of names)
# Report
1. Created structs/classes.
2. Types of lists chosen (array, list, etc).
3. Memory location and pointers
4. Explain the `DisplayPlayerDetails()` function.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// import linked list file
#include "LinkedLists.h"
int main()
// create pokedex
PokeDex *pokedex = new PokeDex;
// list of list of pokemons
vector<vector<string>> pokemonsArr = {
{"Bulbasaur", "Grass", "Overgrow"},
{"Charmander", "Fire", "Blaze"},
{"Squirtle", "Water", "Torrent"},
{"Caterpie", "Bug", "Shield Dust"},
{"Metapod", "Bug", "Shed Skin"},
{"Butterfree", "Bug", "Compound Eyes"},
{"Beedrill", "Bug", "Swarm"},
{"Pidgey", "Normal", "Keen Eye"},
{"Rattata", "Normal", "Run Away"},
{"Ekans", "Poison", "Intimidate"},
{"Pikachu", "Electric", "Static"},
{"Sandslash", "Ground", "Sand Veil"},
{"Nidoran", "Poison", "Poison Point"},
{"Clefairy", "Fairy", "Cute Charm"}};
// create pokemon nodes
for (int i = 0; i < pokemonsArr.size(); i++)
addPokemonToList(pokedex, pokemonsArr[i][0], pokemonsArr[i][1], pokemonsArr[i][2]);
// add player to pokedex
addPlayerToList(pokedex, "Ash");
addPlayerToList(pokedex, "Misty");
// // add pokemons to player
addPokemonToPlayer(pokedex, "Ash", "Bulbasaur");
addPokemonToPlayer(pokedex, "Ash", "Charmander");
addPokemonToPlayer(pokedex, "Ash", "Squirtle");
addPokemonToPlayer(pokedex, "Ash", "Squirtle");
addPokemonToPlayer(pokedex, "Misty", "Caterpie");
addPokemonToPlayer(pokedex, "Misty", "Metapod");
addPokemonToPlayer(pokedex, "Misty", "Butterfree");
displayPlayerDetails(pokedex, "Ash");
displayPlayerDetails(pokedex, "Misty");
displayPokemonDetails(pokedex, "Bulbasaur");
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