<h2class="display-6 fw-bold mb-5"><spanclass="pb-3 underline">Welcome to our study!<br></span></h2>
<pclass="text-muted mb-5">This is a study to see what effect the UI style of a news website has on the readers ability to tell if a story is real or fake.</p>
<pclass="text-muted mb-5">There are two possible styles, to keep things simple. One is a cluttered UI, and the other is a clean UI.</p>
<pclass="text-muted mb-5"> When you press the button below, you will be randomly taken to one of these two pages, where you will see the headline and picture for 12 stories, where you select if you think each is real or fake, then you press submit at the bottom.</p>
<divclass="row mb-2">
<divclass="col-md-8 text-center mx-auto">
<divclass="form-check"><inputclass="form-check-input float-none"type="checkbox"id="formCheck"style="margin: 4.8px 10px 4px -24px;"name="Terms"value="Accept"onclick="enableBegin()"><labelclass="form-check-label"for="formCheck-1">Do you accept the <ahref="#"data-bs-target="#modal-1"data-bs-toggle="modal"style="color: var(--bs-info);"><span>terms and conditions</span></a>?</label></div><buttonclass="btn btn-primary disabled text-center border rounded-pill"id="begin"type="button"style="margin: 12px;width: 123.3594px;height: 57.5938px;font-size: 22px;"disabled=""onclick="ferry()">Begin</button>
<h4class="modal-title">Terms and conditions.</h4><buttontype="button"class="btn-close"data-bs-dismiss="modal"aria-label="Close"></button>
<p>We will not use any IP information.<br><br>We will not use any cookies.<br><br>We will not use any personal information such as names.<br><br>We will not use any location information.<br><br>We will only use the results from the forms on the page, stored securely in a database where only an automatically generated ID and boolean to determine which UI was used will be linked to your given results.<br><br>There will be no way that any input given by you will be saved or recorded by us, aside from the results of the study.<br><br>We only ask that you give your answers honestly, and only partake in the study once</p>