Having had no previous experience with NLP libraries, I was wondering why I couldn’t get your examples to work. Then I realized that I had to download CoreNLP first from https://stanfordnlp.github.io/CoreNLP/ and add stanford-corenlp-4.4.0/* to the classpath. Everything worked fine after that.
Is this what you are supposed to do? It wasn’t mentioned in the readme, so I was wondering if I did something wrong here or if it is more obvious to people who have already worked with CoreNLP.")
"This is an example of correct language usage. I had an idea about using garlic butter with chicken, hence the food was burnt.")
"This is an example of incorrect language usage, due to the word why. I had an idea about using garlic butter with chicken, hence why the food was burnt.")
"This is an example of incorrect language usage. I had an idea about using garlic butter with chicken, hence why the food was burnt.")
"This is an example of incorrect language usage. I had an idea about using garlic butter with chicken, hence why the food was burnt. This one has an extra sentence to tip the balance to good.")
"This is an example of Californian slang. So, like, I had this great idea, where we put like, garlic butter with chicken, it's so rad.")
"This is all about like. I like lychees, they're delicious. Sometimes life is like watching paint dry, basically very boring")
"This is a standard sample. It should not be defined as any dialect, therefore being recognised as standard.")
@@ -65,20 +39,16 @@
;; Predicate vectors to check a sentence and see if it grammatically matches a dialect