Commit dc4e0da8 authored by Jonathan Poalses's avatar Jonathan Poalses

Added more testing stuff.

parent 4c476d0a
......@@ -44,11 +44,13 @@
;; Take a sentence and figure out its dialect
(defn detect-sentence-dialect [sentence]
(if (some #(= "why" %) (dl/text (dl/tokens sentence))) :bad :good))
(def bad-words #{"why" "cause"})
(defn detect-sentence-dialect [sentence]
(if (some bad-words (dl/text (dl/tokens sentence))) :bad :good))
(some bad-words '("why" "not-why"))
;; Take a text sample and separate it into it's sentences, then for each sentence find its dialect, and return the most common dialect
;; Take a text sample and separate it into its sentences, then for each sentence find its dialect, and return the most common dialect
(defn detect-sample-dialect [sample]
(first (last (sort-by val (frequencies (map detect-sentence-dialect (dl/sentences (nlp sample))))))))
......@@ -142,6 +144,32 @@
;; This identifies "like" in this instance as being an interjection (filler word)
(.tag (.getTarget (nth (nth (vals (datafy (dl/dependency-graph (nth sentences-five 1)))) 3) 2)))
(.word (.getTarget (nth (nth (vals (datafy (dl/dependency-graph (nth sentences-five 1)))) 3) 2)))
(.getLongName (.getRelation (nth (nth (vals (datafy (dl/dependency-graph (nth sentences-five 1)))) 3) 2)))
(.getShortName (.getRelation (nth (nth (vals (datafy (dl/dependency-graph (nth sentences-five 1)))) 3) 2)))
(defn extract-relation [word sentences]
(for [sentence sentences]
(let [data-edges (vals (datafy (dl/dependency-graph sentence)))]
(for [edge data-edges]
(let [edge-bean (bean edge)]
(extract-relation "like" sentences-six)
(for [sentence sentences-six]
(let [data-edges (vals (datafy (dl/dependency-graph sentence)))]
(for [edge data-edges]
(let [edge-bean (bean edge)]
(datafy (dl/dependency-graph (nth sentences-six 2)))
(datafy (first (keys (datafy (dl/dependency-graph (nth sentences-six 2))))))
(nav (datafy (dl/dependency-graph (nth sentences-six 2))))
(datafy (:governor (first (map datafy (nth (vals (datafy (dl/dependency-graph (nth sentences-six 0)))) 0)))))
(.word (.getSource (nth (nth (vals (datafy (dl/dependency-graph (nth sentences-five 1)))) 3) 2)))
......@@ -189,8 +217,12 @@
(detect-sentence-dialect @sentences-two)
(detect-sample-dialect sentences-one)
(detect-sample-dialect @sentences-two)
(detect-sample-dialect test-sentence-one)
(detect-sample-dialect test-sentence-two)
(detect-sample-dialect sentences-two)
(detect-sample-dialect sentences-three)
(detect-sample-dialect sentences-four)
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