Commit 1710e729 authored by jphoe's avatar jphoe

Hello there

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import java.awt.Button;
import java.util.Random;
import javafx.application.*;
import javafx.scene.Cursor;
import javafx.scene.Group;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class Main extends Application{
//private Boolean running = false;
private int shipsToPlace = 5; // Limit on ships per player
private boolean enemyTurn = false; // Defines whose turn it is
private Random random = new Random(); // Needed to use rng
boolean ready = true; // Sets states for the game
boolean gameOn = false; // ready is a flag for the game in the preparation phase, gameon is a flag for the game being playable
int length = 5; // used for length of players ships
int lengthCPU = 5; // above, but for computer
int shipsPlaced = 0; // used to track the limit of the ships placed by the player
int shipsPlacedCom = 0; // above, but for com
int currentX; // used to hold the coordinates of a specific tile in the sea
int currentY;
int[][] board = new int[10][10]; // array to manage the players board
int[][] cpuBoard = new int[10][10]; // array for coms board
int[][] cpuShotsBoard = new int[10][10]; // array for com to keep track of where its already shot
int carriersPlayer = 1; // Sets up number of ships for each player
int battleshipsPlayer = 2; // Player values used in placement stage
int destroyersPlayer = 2;
int patrolsPlayer = 3;
int carriersCom = 1;
int battleshipsCom = 2;
int destroyersCom = 2;
int patrolsCom = 3;
int totalShips = carriersPlayer + battleshipsPlayer + destroyersPlayer + patrolsPlayer;
int[] boatHPPlayer = new int[totalShips + 1];
int[] boatHPCom = new int[totalShips + 1];
public static void main(String[] args)
launch(); // starts the game
public void start(Stage game) throws Exception { // begins immidiately
game.setScene(new Scene(runGame(10), 1536, 864)); // creates the window, 10 being grid size, 1536x864 being a standard scaled down resolution;
public Group runGame(int gSize)
Group group = new Group();
for (int i = 0; i < gSize; i++) // loops through x and y to create the grid
for (int j = 0; j < gSize; j++)
Sea thisSea = new Sea(); // thisSea will be used to refer to induvidual tiles
thisSea.setX((50*i)+50); // draws the sea tiles
thisSea.x = i;
thisSea.y = j;
thisSea.setWidth(45); // sets propeties of sea
thisSea.setCursor(Cursor.HAND); // cursor will be a hand when hovered to show that its clickable
thisSea.setOnMouseClicked(event-> // triggers when sea tile is clicked
if (ready == true) // runs if in prep phase
if (carriersPlayer > 0) // checks if the player has any ships of any type to place
length = 5;
carriersPlayer = carriersPlayer - 1; // reduces the amount of this ship left to place
boatHPPlayer[shipsPlaced+1] = 5; // adds hp to the players total hits to lose
else if(battleshipsPlayer > 0) // repeats for each type of ship
length = 4;
battleshipsPlayer = battleshipsPlayer - 1;
boatHPPlayer[shipsPlaced+1] = 4;
else if(destroyersPlayer > 0)
length = 3;
destroyersPlayer = destroyersPlayer - 1;
boatHPPlayer[shipsPlaced+1] = 3;
else if(patrolsPlayer > 0)
length = 2;
patrolsPlayer = patrolsPlayer - 1;
boatHPPlayer[shipsPlaced+1] = 2;
Boolean potentialLegalSpace = false; // sets variables for validation
Boolean legalSpace = false;
int legalSpaceCount = 0;
currentX = thisSea.x; // converts thisSea coordinates to variables for easier use (resets with every click)
currentY = thisSea.y;
if (!event.isShiftDown() && thisSea.x + length <=10) // shift being held triggers code to place a ship vertically
{ // line above adds the length to the start of the ship (where the user clicked) and tests to see if it's out of bounds
potentialLegalSpace = true;
else if (event.isShiftDown() && thisSea.y + length <=10) // this tests for vertical ships
potentialLegalSpace = true;
if (potentialLegalSpace == true) // validates spaces that do not immidiately lead out of bounds
for (int k = 0; k < length; k++)
if (board[thisSea.x+k][thisSea.y] == 0) // for horizontal ships
{ // loops through all spaces where this ship is being placed to check they're empty
else {
if (board[thisSea.x][thisSea.y+k] == 0) // for vertical ships
if (legalSpaceCount == length) // triggers if every sea tile checked is legal
legalSpace = true; // guaranteed indicator
if (legalSpace == true)
thisSea.setX((50*currentX) + 50);
thisSea.setY((50 * currentY) + 50);
if (!event.isShiftDown()) // creates horizontal ships
thisSea.setWidth((50*length)-5); // sets up tiles accordingly
for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) {
board[thisSea.x+k][thisSea.y] = shipsPlaced+1;
else // creates vertical ships
for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) {
board[thisSea.x][thisSea.y+k] = shipsPlaced+1;
thisSea.setFill(Color.GREEN); // ship tiles are coloured to stand out, green to show they're allied
thisSea.toFront(); // makes ships visible
if (shipsPlaced == totalShips) // signifies the end of the prep phase
length = 0;
ready = false; // prep phase ends
gameOn = true; // game phase begins
for (int i = 0; i < gSize; i++) // loops through x and y to create opposing sea grid
for (int j = 0; j < gSize; j++)
Sea thisSeaCom = new Sea();
thisSeaCom.x = i;
thisSeaCom.y = j;
thisSeaCom.setFill(Color.GREY); // differect colour to allied, otherwise the same creation
thisSeaCom.setOnMouseClicked(event->{ // when the user shoots at a com ship
if (gameOn == true && cpuBoard[thisSeaCom.x][thisSeaCom.y] != 0) // triggers if sea is not empty (due to com ship)
thisSeaCom.setX((50*thisSeaCom.x)+850); // sets tile accordingly
thisSeaCom.setFill(Color.RED); // colours red to indicate a hit
else if (gameOn == true && cpuBoard[thisSeaCom.x][thisSeaCom.y] == 0) // triggers if sea is empty
thisSeaCom.setFill(Color.DARKGREY); // colours to show the tile has been shot, and missed
if (gameOn == true) {
Boolean shotCheck = false;
Random rng = new Random();
while (shotCheck == false)
currentX = rng.nextInt(10); // generate random sea for cpu to shoot for x and y
currentY = rng.nextInt(10);
if (cpuShotsBoard[currentX][currentY] == 0) // checks if hasn't been shot before, with array holding previous shots
shotCheck = true; // flag for legal space to shoot
cpuShotsBoard[currentX][currentY] = 1; // fills in array so sea wont get shot again
Sea shotCpuSquare = new Sea();
if (board[currentX][currentY] != 0) // triggers if the com has a hit
shotCpuSquare.setX((50*currentX)+50); // keeps setting up sea tiles accordingly
shotCpuSquare.setFill(Color.RED); // sets colour to red to tell the user a ship has been hit
else if (board[currentX][currentY] == 0)
shotCpuSquare.setFill(Color.DARKGREY); // sets colour to tell the user the com missed
//back in the prep phase
while (shipsPlacedCom < 8) // runs until com has placed its max number of ships
{ // the ships placed will be random
Random rng = new Random(); // sets up rng
int x = rng.nextInt(10); // generates random coordinates
int y = rng.nextInt(10);
Boolean cpuHorizontal = rng.nextBoolean(); // randomly desides if current ship being placed is vertical or horizontal
Boolean potentialLegalSpace = false;
Boolean legalSpace = false;
int legalSpaceCount = 0;
if (carriersCom > 0) // variant of code above, checks each ship type and places accordingly
lengthCPU = 5;
carriersCom = carriersCom -1;
boatHPCom[shipsPlacedCom+1] = 5;
else if(battleshipsCom > 0)
lengthCPU = 4;
battleshipsCom = battleshipsCom -1;
boatHPCom[shipsPlacedCom+1] = 4;
else if(destroyersCom > 0)
lengthCPU = 3;
destroyersCom = destroyersCom -1;
boatHPCom[shipsPlacedCom+1] = 3;
else if(patrolsCom > 0)
lengthCPU = 2;
patrolsCom = patrolsCom -1;
boatHPCom[shipsPlacedCom+1] = 2;
if (cpuHorizontal == true && x + lengthCPU <= 10) // legal space validation is the same with the computers variables
potentialLegalSpace = true;
else if (cpuHorizontal == false && y + lengthCPU <= 10) // checks are the same as above swapping out the user input isShiftDown for a variable to determine the same
potentialLegalSpace = true;
if (potentialLegalSpace == true)
for (int k = 0; k < lengthCPU; k++)
if (cpuHorizontal == true)
if (cpuBoard[x+k][y] == 0)
if (cpuBoard[x][y+k] == 0)
if (legalSpaceCount == lengthCPU)
legalSpace = true;
//validation complete, last thing is to create the coms ships
if (legalSpace == true)
for (int k = 0; k < lengthCPU; k++)
if (cpuHorizontal == true) {
cpuBoard[x+k][y] = shipsPlacedCom+1;
else {
cpuBoard[x][y+k] = shipsPlacedCom+1;
return group;
\ No newline at end of file
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
public class Sea extends Rectangle{
int x; // Each sea tile has 2 main propeties, x and y placements
int y; // Other propeties will be determined in main using javafx
public Sea(){
public class Ships extends Main{
public int shipType; // Set up variables
public int shipHp;
public boolean shipIsVertical = true; // True for vertical, false for horizontal
// 1 does not exist
// 2 = Patrol boat, size 2
// 3 = Destroyer, size 3
// 4 = Battleship, size 4
// 5 = Aircraft carrier, size 5
//boolean shipIsVertical = true;
public Ships(int shipType, boolean shipIsVertical)
this.shipType = shipType; // Sets unique variable for each ship
this.shipIsVertical = shipIsVertical;
shipHp = shipType; // Hp based on type
public void shipIsHit()
int shipHp = shipType;
shipHp = shipHp - 1;
public boolean shipIsNotSunk() // Changed from shipSunk
return shipHp >= 0; // Fires if ship Hp reaches 0 (or below somehow)
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