Commit 15b08026 authored by louie.bridges's avatar louie.bridges


parent 668a3213
import java.util.ArrayList; // import the ArrayList class
public class ResitCode {
public int Fib_No(int position) {
ArrayList<Integer> fibList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//Adds 0 and 1 to the ArrayList
//For loop for the Fibonacci sequence.
for(int i =0; i<position; i++) {
fibList.add(fibList.get(fibList.size() -1)+fibList.get(fibList.size() -2));
return fibList.get(position - 1);
public String pigLatin(String message) {
String Newsentence = "";
String[] words;
Newsentence = message;
words = Newsentence.split(" ");
String sentence = "";
for(String letters : words) {
sentence += letters.substring(1) + letters.substring(0,1) + "ay ";
return sentence.trim();
import java.util.ArrayList; // import the ArrayList class
public class ResitCode {
public int Fib_No(int position) {
ArrayList<Integer> fibList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//Adds 0 and 1 to the ArrayList
//For loop for the Fibonacci sequence.
for(int i =0; i<position; i++) {
fibList.add(fibList.get(fibList.size() -1)+fibList.get(fibList.size() -2));
return fibList.get(position - 1);
public String pigLatin(String message) {
String Newsentence = "";
//Creates a String array
String[] words;
Newsentence = message;
words = Newsentence.split(" ");
String sentence = "";
//Creates a for loop that goes through each letter in the sentance
for(String letters : words) {
sentence += letters.substring(1) + letters.substring(0,1) + "ay ";
//Removes the space at the end of the sentences
return sentence.trim();
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