{Vertebrates("they live on the ground, specifically range from the deepest part of the ocean to the highest peak of the mountains; and from the lush tropics to the frozen Arctic");
Insects("They live in hot deserts, freshwater streams, tropical rainforests, up snowy mountains and of course, in your own garden");
Reptiles("living in water must come to the surface to breathe air");
Amphibian("ponds and swamps");
Redpoll("Trees and bushes nest");
Seaurchins("Deep ocean");
Boxjellyfish("They can be found in coastal water around Northern Australia");
Arthropod("Usually found in humid rainforests, dry deserts, coral reefs and forests");
Mollusca("Freshwater and ocean");
Combjellies("They live in between both the shallow and deep waters");
Vertebrates"They survive on chickens, cows, pigs and fishes"
Insects"Roots and seeds"
Reptiles"Feeds on insects, birds and frogs"
Amphibian"Bugs, slugs and snails"
Redpoll"Catkins, seeds and bugs"
Seaurchins"Kelp, periwinkles, and sometimes even barnacles"
Boxjellyfish"Fish, crustaceans, marine larvae, and plankton"