Commit c21abf85 authored by's avatar

Created Algorithm

USer open a drop down box to select a product.
User selects an item.
A text box confirms which item the user has selected, as well as the displaying the quanity available.
The user can also select the quanity of that item they wish to purchase.
Porgram displays a text field,
The user must enter an amount of money in order to pay for the product.
When the user pays for a product; the cost will be taken from their account.
If the porduct is unavialble. the product will be listed as 'Sold out.'
If a user attmept to purchase a sold out product, they will be unable to.
Their money will also not be taken.
After a succesful transaction, the user will recive the message 'Thank you for purchasing X'
with x being replace by 'snack or rink depending on the product.
The product will then lose an item from the stock value;
If the user does not pay enopugh money for a product, they will be told
'inssuficent amount' and they will not be given the product.
After a successful transaction, the program will print the receipt onto a file.
the receipt will include the data for cost, amount given, change given, and a list of all products purchased.
users will be able to make multiple purchses which will all be added to the receipt.
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