Commit d3251339 authored by sam.drinkwater's avatar sam.drinkwater


"java.project.sourcePaths": ["src"],
"java.project.outputPath": "bin",
"java.project.referencedLibraries": [
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## Folder Structure
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- `lib`: the folder to maintain dependencies
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File added
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Objects; // import necessary utilities
class MyZoo { // open class called MyZoo
int n = 12;
class Data { // data constructor
String animal;
String animalType;
String diet;
String environemnt;
Data(String animal, String animalType, String diet, String environemnt)
this.animal = animal;
this.animalType = animalType; = diet;
this.environemnt = environemnt;
public static void main(String args[])
String animal[] = { "Koala", "Lion", "Garenuk", "Tuatara", "Tortoise", "Sand Lizard", "Risso's Dolphin", "Galapagos Killer Whale", "Vendace Fish", "Cardinal", "Song Thrush", "Blue and Yellow Macaw" }; // create a string of each animal, animalType etc. Each String will be in the same index as the lists
String animalType[] = { "Mammal", "Mammal", "Mammal", "Reptile", "Reptile", "Reptile", "Fish", "Fish", "Fish", "Bird", "Bird", "Bird"};
String diet[] = { "Herbivore", "Carnivore", "Herbivore", "Omnivore","Herbivore", "Omnivore", "Omnivore", "Carnivore" ,"Herbivore", "Herbivore", "Omnivore", "Herbivore"};
String environemnt[] = { "Forest", "Grasslands", "Grasslands", "Desert","Grasslands", "Desert", "Sea", "Sea" ,"River", "Forest","Grasslands", "Forest" };
MyZoo custom = new MyZoo();
custom.addValues(animal, animalType, diet, environemnt); // create a list of strings of all the necessary information, this is the data we will extract for the print function
public void addValues(String animal[], String animalType[],
String diet[], String environemnt[])
ArrayList<Data> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
list.add(new Data(animal[i], animalType[i], diet[i],
environemnt[i])); // store all the information in an array list called data
printValues(list); // change the lists into strings, using a data variable
public void printValues(ArrayList<Data> list)
List<String> animalList = new ArrayList<>(); // Create an array list of each necessary data. These list will be where we gather our index information
animalList.add(0, "Koala"); // Both the data list and seperated list will have the same index as we will nedd this to capture information
animalList.add(1, "Lion");
animalList.add(2, "Garenuk");
animalList.add(3, "Tuatara");
animalList.add(4, "Tortoise");
animalList.add(5, "Sand Lizard");
animalList.add(6, "Risso's Dolphin");
animalList.add(7, "Galapagos Killer Whale");
animalList.add(8, "Vendace Fish");
animalList.add(9, "Cardinal");
animalList.add(10, "Song Thrush");
animalList.add(11, "Blue and Yellow Macaw");
List<String> animalTypeList = new ArrayList<>();
animalTypeList.add(0, "Mammal");
animalTypeList.add(1, "Mammal");
animalTypeList.add(2, "Mammal");
animalTypeList.add(3, "Reptile");
animalTypeList.add(4, "Reptile");
animalTypeList.add(5, "Reptile");
animalTypeList.add(6, "Fish");
animalTypeList.add(7, "Fish");
animalTypeList.add(8, "Fish");
animalTypeList.add(9, "Bird");
animalTypeList.add(10, "Bird");
animalTypeList.add(11, "Bird");
List<String> dietList = new ArrayList<>();
dietList.add(0, "Herbivore");
dietList.add(1, "Carnivore");
dietList.add(2, "Herbivore");
dietList.add(3, "Omnivore");
dietList.add(4, "Herbivore");
dietList.add(5, "Omnivore");
dietList.add(6, "Omnivore");
dietList.add(7, "Carnivore");
dietList.add(8, "Herbivore");
dietList.add(9, "Herbivore");
dietList.add(10, "Omnivore");
dietList.add(11, "Herbivore");
List<String> enviroList = new ArrayList<>();
enviroList.add(0, "Forest");
enviroList.add(1, "Grasslands");
enviroList.add(2, "Grasslands");
enviroList.add(3, "Desert");
enviroList.add(4, "Grasslands");
enviroList.add(5, "Desert");
enviroList.add(6, "Sea");
enviroList.add(7, "Sea");
enviroList.add(8, "River");
enviroList.add(9, "Forest");
enviroList.add(10, "Grasslands");
enviroList.add(11, "Forest");
System.out.println("\nWe currently have "+n+" animals in our care. These are:\n");
for (int counter = 0; counter < animalList.size(); counter++) {
System.out.println(animalList.get(counter)); // loop thorugh animal list printing off each animal name so the user can choose which animal they want to learn about
try (Scanner Qu1 = new Scanner( {
System.out.println("\nWould you like to learn about a specific animal? (Y/N)\n"); // create a loop of if else statements to find what the information the user desires
String output1 = Qu1.nextLine();
if (output1.equals("Y")){
try (Scanner Qu2 = new Scanner( {
System.out.println("Which animal would you like to learn about?\n");
String output2 = Qu2.nextLine();
int idx = animalList.indexOf(output2); // find the first string that matches the inpit
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { // only returing information of 1 animal, there only needs 1 print loop
Data data = list.get(idx); // import the arraylist of all strings
System.out.println("\nAnimal Name: "+data.animal+"\nAnimal Type: "+data.animalType+"\nDietry Requirements: ""\nEnvironment: "+data.environemnt);
}// return information in a tabled format
try (Scanner Qu3 = new Scanner( {
System.out.println("Would you like to learn about a list of animals? Y/N)\n");
String output3 = Qu3.nextLine();
if (output3.equals("Y")){ //will loop through each list and print each list in regards to its index
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Data data = list.get(i);
System.out.println("\nAnimal Name: "+data.animal+"\nAnimal Type: "+data.animalType+"\nDietry Requirements: ""\nEnvironment: "+data.environemnt);
try (Scanner Qu4 = new Scanner( {
System.out.println("Would you like to learn about a specific type of animal? Y/N)\n");
String output4 = Qu4.nextLine();
if (output4.equals("Y")){
try (Scanner Qu5 = new Scanner( {
System.out.println("Which animal type would you like to learn about?\n");
String output5 = Qu5.nextLine();
for (int i = 0; i < animalTypeList.size(); i++) { // begin looping through the animlaType list
if (Objects.equals(animalTypeList.get(i), output5)) { // if a string from the animalType list is the same as the user input the index will be stored
Data data = list.get(i);
System.out.println("\nAnimal Name: "+data.animal+"\nAnimal Type: "+data.animalType); // return strings of all stored indexes
try (Scanner Qu6 = new Scanner( {
System.out.println("Would you like to learn about a specific food required for animals? Y/N)\n"); // Same concept as Qu4, however searching dietList instead of animalType
String output6 = Qu6.nextLine();
if (output6.equals("Y")){
try (Scanner Qu7 = new Scanner( {
System.out.println("Which diet would you like to learn about?\n");
String output7 = Qu7.nextLine();
for (int i = 0; i < dietList.size(); i++) {
if (Objects.equals(dietList.get(i), output7)) {
Data data = list.get(i);
System.out.println("\nAnimal Name: "+data.animal+"\nDietry Requirements: ";
try (Scanner Qu8 = new Scanner( {
System.out.println("Would you like to learn about a specific environment of animal? Y/N)\n");
String output8 = Qu8.nextLine();
if (output8.equals("Y")){
try (Scanner Qu9 = new Scanner( {
System.out.println("Which environment type would you like to learn about?\n");
String output9 = Qu9.nextLine();
for (int i = 0; i < enviroList.size(); i++) {
if (Objects.equals(enviroList.get(i), output9)) {
Data data = list.get(i);
System.out.println("\nAnimal Name: "+data.animal+"\nEnvironment: "+data.environemnt);
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