response1 = input("Now Captain " + playername + ", The matter of money needs to be discussed.\n£2,000,000 Easy\n£1,000,000 Normal\n£500,000 Hard\nHow much would you like to borrow to get you started?\n\neasy/normal/hard\n")
response1 = input("\033[0;37;0m Now Captain " + playername + ", The matter of money needs to be discussed.\n£2,000,000 Easy\n£1,000,000 Normal\n£500,000 Hard\nHow much would you like to borrow to get you started?\n\neasy/normal/hard\n")
if response1 == "easy":
if response1 == "easy":
@@ -64,7 +76,7 @@ while response1 not in cash:
@@ -64,7 +76,7 @@ while response1 not in cash:
elif response1 == "hard":
elif response1 == "hard":
print("Very well Captain " + playername + " We will loan you the money. Naturally at the end of the month we expect the cash back but any profit you make you are welcome to keep.\n")
print("\nVery well Captain " + playername + " We will loan you the money. Naturally at the end of the month we expect the cash back but any profit you make you are welcome to keep.\n")
response2 = input("\nThe sea can be a cruel mistress. As your adivisor I strongly urge you to get some insuance, but of course thats your choice captain. We have 2 types available, take a look....\n\nHIGH VALUE INSURANCE\n-Cargo up to £2,000,000 is covered\n-Loss of any cargo is covered\n-Short to long distances covered\n~Price £200,000~\n\nLOW VALUE INSURANCE\n-Cargo UP TO £1,000,000 covered\n-Loss of cargo is not covered\n-If you transport cargo over £1,000,000 the insurance will be void\n~£50,000~\n\nPlease pick your insurance high/low/none\n")
response2 = input("\nThe sea can be a cruel mistress. As your adivisor I strongly urge you to get some insuance, but of course thats your choice captain. We have 2 types available, take a look....\n\nHIGH VALUE INSURANCE\n-Cargo over the value of £1,000,000 is covered\n-Loss of any cargo is covered\n-Short to long distances covered\n~Price £200,000~\n\nLOW VALUE INSURANCE\n-Cargo UP TO £1,000,000 covered\n-Loss of cargo is not covered\n-If you transport cargo over £1,000,000 the insurance will be void\n~Price £50,000~\n\nPlease pick your insurance high/low/none\n")
if response2 == "high":
if response2 == "high":
insurancevalue = 2
insurancevalue = 2
bankbal = 1800000
bankbal = bankbal-200000
print("Excellent choice captain, exactly what i would have gone for myself\n")
print("Excellent choice captain, exactly what i would have gone for myself\n")
print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nYou choose the high value insurance. Your bank balance is now £",bankbal,"\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------")
print("----------------------------------------------------------------------------\nYou choose the high value insurance. Your bank balance is now £",bankbal,"\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------")
@@ -90,7 +102,7 @@ while response2 not in insurance:
@@ -90,7 +102,7 @@ while response2 not in insurance:
elif response2 == "low":
elif response2 == "low":
insurancevalue = 1
insurancevalue = 1
bankbal = 1950000
bankbal = bankbal - 50000
print("Well captain that would have been my first choice but you're in charge\n")
print("Well captain that would have been my first choice but you're in charge\n")
print("You choose the low value insurance. Your bank balance is now £",bankbal)
print("You choose the low value insurance. Your bank balance is now £",bankbal)
@@ -227,12 +239,37 @@ if contractpicked == 1:
@@ -227,12 +239,37 @@ if contractpicked == 1:
response5 = ""
response5 = ""
while response5 not in route:
while response5 not in route:
response5 = input("You hear over the ships radio: \n ~STORM WARNING~ ATTENTION ALL SHIPS IN THE VICINITY A STORM WILL BE PASSING OVER THE AREA WITHIN THE NEXT HOUR PLEASE STEER CLEAR OF THE AREA ~STORM WARNING~\n\n The radio then goes silent and you look back at your GPS and notice 2 routes that you could take. Route 1, the safest option but you may arrive in Sweden a little bit later than you had planned. Route 2 heads through the stormy sea and you will arrive in Sweden ahead of schedule\n\nWhich route do you want to take\n\n route 1/route2")
response5 = input("You hear over the ships radio: \n ~STORM WARNING~ ATTENTION ALL SHIPS IN THE VICINITY A STORM WILL BE PASSING OVER THE AREA WITHIN THE NEXT HOUR PLEASE STEER CLEAR OF THE AREA ~STORM WARNING~\n\n The radio then goes silent and you look back at your GPS and notice 2 routes that you could take. Route 1, the safest option but you may arrive in Sweden a little bit later than you had planned. Route 2 heads through the stormy sea and you will arrive in Sweden ahead of schedule\n\nWhich route do you want to take\n\n route 1/route2\n")
if response5 == "route 1":
if response5 == "route 1":
route1 = 2
route1 = 2
print("You choose to go the recommend route but this could make you late for your drop off")
print("You choose to go the recommend route but this could make you late for your drop off")
if response5 == "route 2":
elif response5 == "route 2":
route = 2
route2 = 2
print("You take the faster route as the rain begins to get gradually heavier and heavier")
print("You take the faster route as the rain begins to get gradually heavier and heavier\n\n")
print("DAY 2")
print("WEATHER: Heavy Rain")
print("TIME: 10:00am")
print("BALANCE: £",bankbal)
if contractpicked == 1:
print("\nDAYS LEFT: 2")
print("Location: Atalantic Ocean")
print("Target Location: Port of Gothenburg - Sweden\n")
if route1 == 2:
print("You begrudgingly travel down the much slower route as the rain bounces down on your ship. You hear ove the radio that the storm is raging on but luckily you are safe. Better to be a little bit later but at least you and your cargo is safe")
if route2 == 2:
print("You stubbornly continue on a far more dangerous path. The rain is bouncing down heavily on your ship and visibility is low. The storm is forecast to continue for the next couple of hours. Swaying from side to side you try to keep the boat on course but with a large crash some 40% of your cargo falls overboard and is iredemiable.")