Commit fb998d77 authored by simon.nutsey's avatar simon.nutsey

Add new file

# PlayerCommands
yes_no = ["yes", "no"]
cash = ["easy", "normal", "hard"]
insurance = ["high","low","none"]
bankbal = 0
insurancevalue = 0 #used at the end of a contract
# intro
playername = input("What is your name captain?\n")
print("Good morning Captain " + playername + "\n\nWhat is your ships name?")
shipname = input("")
print("Excellent name Captain. SS." +shipname+ " it is.\n")
#difficulty setting
response1 = ""
while response1 not in cash:
response1 = input("Now Captain " + playername + ", The matter of money needs to be discussed.\n£2,000,000 Easy\n£1,000,000 Normal\n£500,000 Hard\nHow much would you like to borrow to get you started?\n\neasy/normal/hard\n")
if response1 == "easy":
print("Very well Captain " + playername + " We will loan you the money. Naturally at the end of the month we expect the cash back but any profit you make you are welcome to keep.\n")
bankbal= 2000000
print("Your current bank balance is £",bankbal)
elif response1 == "normal":
print("Very well Captain " + playername + " We will loan you the money. Naturally at the end of the month we expect the cash back but any profit you make you are welcome to keep.\n")
bankbal = 1000000
print("Your current bank balance is £",bankbal)
elif response1 == "hard":
print("Very well Captain " + playername + " We will loan you the money. Naturally at the end of the month we expect the cash back but any profit you make you are welcome to keep.\n")
bankbal = 500000
print("Your current bank balance is £",bankbal)
print("Captain " +playername+ " Im not sure what you said there please try again.\n")
response2 = ""
while response2 not in insurance:
response2 = input("\nThe sea can be a cruel mistress. As your adivisor I strongly urge you to get some insuance, but of course thats your choice captain. We have 2 types available, take a look....\n\nHIGH VALUE INSURANCE\n-Cargo up to £2,000,000 is covered\n-Loss of any cargo is covered\n-Short to long distances covered\n~Price £200,000~\n\nLOW VALUE INSURANCE\n-Cargo UP TO £1,000,000 covered\n-Loss of cargo is not covered\n-If you transport cargo over £1,000,000 the insurance will be void\n~£50,000~\n\nPlease pick your insurance high/low/none\n")
if response2 == "high":
insurancevalue = 2
bankbal = 1800000
print("Excellent choice captain, exactly what i would have gone for myself\n")
print("You choose the high value insurance. Your bank balance is now £",bankbal)
elif response2 == "low":
insurancevalue = 1
bankbal = 1950000
print("Well captain that would have been my first choice but you're in charge\n")
print("You choose the low value insurance. Your bank balance is now £",bankbal)
elif response2 == "none":
insurancevalue = 0
print("Well i'm not going to say that it's a stupid idea captain but you are the one in charge")
print("You choose not to buy insurance. Your bank balance is now £",bankbal )
print("I'm sorry captain could you please say that again?\n")
#game start
print("\nCongratulations Captain "+playername+" you're all ready to set sail. Get some rest and we will head over to the contracts office tomorrow morning.\n")
\ No newline at end of file
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