Commit 4d9afaf4 authored by william.hill1's avatar william.hill1


parent 7805f22d
public class AssessmentPartOne {
public int biggestOfThree(int num1, int num2, int num3)
// 01 - A Gentle Start
// Debug this method so it passes the unit test.
// Add comments beside any changes you make
if (num1<num2)
if (num3>num1)
return num3;
return num1;
if (num3>num2)
return num3;
return num2
public int sumNumbersBetween(int start, int end)
// 02 - Adding Across A Range
// Complete this method so that it adds together all
// the integers between start and end, but not including
// start or end
// This method should only deal with 0 and positive integers
// This method should return -1 if it cannot calculate the result
// You should comment your code explaining what each part does
int sumOfSquares = 0;
return sumOfSquares;
public class AssessmentPartOne {
public int biggestOfThree(int num1, int num2, int num3) {
// 01 - A Gentle Start
// Debug this method so it passes the unit test.
// Add comments beside any changes you make
if (num1 > num2) // changed < to a >
if (num3 > num1)
return num3;
} else {
return num1;
} else
if (num3 > num2) {
return num3;
} else {
return num2; // added a ; to complete the block
public int sumNumbersBetween(int start, int end) {
// 02 - Adding Across A Range
// Complete this method so that it adds together all
// the integers between start and end, but not including
// start or end
// This method should only deal with 0 and positive integers
// This method should return -1 if it cannot calculate the result
// You should comment your code explaining what each part does
int sumOfSquares = 0;
int error = -1;
for (int i = (start + 1); i < end; i++) // loops from the value of "start + 1" to the the number 1 less then
// "end"
// the "start + 1" and the "< end" make it so the loop runs between the two
// values without including them
sumOfSquares = i + sumOfSquares; // overwrites the previous value of total with the new value of total
// closes the for loop so it only returns the end answer not all the steps to
// get to the answer
if (start >= 0 && end >= 0 && start <= end && start + 1 != end) { // checks to see if both numbers are not a
// negative number
// as well as checking to see if the second number is smaller then the first
return sumOfSquares;
} else {
return error;
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